• Rizanna Rosemary Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia
  • Arief Bayu Wardhana Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia
  • Hamdani M. Syam Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia
  • Novi Susilawati Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia
Keywords: anonimitas, cyber sexual harrasment, twitter, anonymity, deindividuation theory


Background: Cases of cyber sexual harassment are increasing, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic.  SAFEnet data showed cases of online sexual harassment and in 2020 increased by 40%, namely 659 cases. Purpose: This cross-sectional study aimed to determine the relationship between anonymity and Twitter users' desire to commit cyber sexual harassment and test the Deindividuation theory. Methods: The population in this study were Twitter users aged 16-54 years. The sample size was determined using the Slovin formula with a sample of 280 respondents, who were selected randomly. Data collection through questionnaire distribution, using the Sexual Experiences Questionnaire (SEQ) scale. Results: Through data analysis with SPSS 25.0, it was found that the Pearson Product Moment correlation value between anonymity and Cyber Sexual Harassment (CSH) was (r) 0.749 > r_table 0.113. Conclusion: The research shows that there is a relationship between anonymity and Twitter users' willingness to commit cyber sexual harassment, with a positive relationship direction. The lower the anonymity, the lower the desire to commit CSH, and vice versa. 


Latar Belakang: Kasus pelecehan seksual siber meningkat terkhusus di masa pandemi Covid-19.  Data SAFEnet menunjukkan kasus pelecehan seksual secara online dan pada tahun 2020 meningkat 40%, yakni 659 Kasus. Tujuan: Studi cross-sectional ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan anonimitas dengan keinginan pengguna Twitter melakukan pelecehan seksual siber dan menguji teori Deindividuasi. Metode: Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah pengguna Twitter usia 16-54 tahun. Jumlah sampel ditentukan dengan rumus Slovin dengan sampel sebanyak 280 responden, yang dipilih secara acak (random). Pengumpulan data melalui penyebaran kuesioner, dengan menggunakan skala Sexual Experiences Questionnaire (SEQ). Hasil: Melalui analisis data dengan SPSS 25.0, ditemukan bahwa nilai korelasi Pearson Product Moment antara anonimitas dengan Cyber Sexual Harassment (CSH) adalah (r) 0,749 > r_tabel0,113. Kesimpulan: Penelitian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan antara anonimitas dengan keinginan pengguna Twitter melakukan pelecehan seksual siber, dengan arah hubungan yang positif. Semakin rendah anonimitas, semakin rendah keinginan untuk melakukan CSH, dan sebaliknya.


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How to Cite
Rosemary, R., Wardhana, A. B., Syam, H. M., & Susilawati, N. (2024). THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ANONYMITY AND CYBER SEXUAL HARASSMENT BY TWITTER USERS: A CROSS-SECTIONAL STUDY. Journal of Community Mental Health and Public Policy, 6(2), 95-104.