Analysis Of Factors Affecting Health Protocols Compliance During Covid-19 Pandemic In East Java Community: Health Belief Model Approach
The coronavirus is a virus that spreads very quickly between humans. It can be seen from the data on the spread of COVID-19 cases were growing significantly and exponentially in society. The province that also affected was an East Java. Local transmissions still happening almost in all districts. The community must prioritize preventive measures to break the chain of transmission by implementing health protocols. This research was conducted to analyze factors that affect adherence to health protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic in East Java used health belief model approach. The design of this research was cross sectional. The data collection method used was a questionnaire survey through an online questionnaire platform. The subjects of this study were people who live in East Java with a total of 350 respondents. The study was conducted in April - September 2020. The result was explained using the logistics regression test to determine the effect of individual perceptions on compliance with the implementation of health protocols. The individual perception factor has a result, namely the perceived vulnerability variable has a p value of 0.719> 0.05, the perceived benefits variable has a p-value of 0.005 <0.05, the perceived barrier variable has a p-value of 0.001 <0, 05, the self-confidence variable has a p-value of 0.152> 0.05 and cue to action has a p-value of 0.502 >0.05. The conclusion from the results is that factors that affect compliance with health protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic are perceived benefits and perceived barriers.
Keywords: COVID-19, Compliance, Health Protocols, Health Belief Model.
Coronavirus merupakan virus yang penyebarannya sangat cepat antar manusia. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari data persebaran kasus COVID-19 yang berkembang secara signifikan dan eksponensial di masyarakat. Salah satu provinsi yang juga terdampak adalah Provinsi Jawa Timur. Transmisi lokal masih terjadi di hampir seluruh kabupaten di Jawa
Timur. Masyarakat harus mengutamakan tindakan pencegahan untuk memutus rantai penularan di masyarakat dengan menerapkan protokol kesehatan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk menganalisis faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kepatuhan menjalankan protokol kesehatan saat pandemi COVID-19 pada masyarakat Jawa Timur dengan pendekatan health belief model. Desain studi penelitian ini adalah cross sectional. Metode pengambilan data yang digunakan adalah survei kuesioner melalui platform kuesioner online. Subjek penelitian ini adalah orang yang berdomisili di Jawa Timur dengan jumlah sebanyak 350 responden. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan April – September 2020. Penelitian ini menggunakan uji regresi logistik untuk menganalisis faktor persepsi individu terhadap kepatuhan protokol kesehatan. Faktor persepsi individu memiliki hasil yaitu variabel perceived susceptibility memiliki nilai p 0,719> 0,05, variabel perceived benefits memiliki nilai p 0,005 <0,05, variabel perceived barriers memiliki nilai p 0,001 <0. 05, variabel self efficacy memiliki nilai p 0,152> 0,05 dan cues to action memiliki nilai p 0,502>0,05. Kesimpulan dari penelitian faktor yang mempengaruhi kepatuhan terhadap protokol kesehatan selama pandemi COVID-19 adalah variabel perceived benefits dan perceived barriers.
Kata Kunci: COVID-19, Kepatuhan, Protokol Kesehatan, Health Belief Model.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Rahmafika Cinthya Afro, Aghisni Isfiya, Thinni Nurul Rochmah

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